It is time to put a face, voice and life to our story. At this point and thanks to the collaboration of many, both on this website and with the caravan, we will be able to put together the whole story. Every story, every testimony counts.
Where are you in this story? What is your degree of connection to one of these stories?
Memorízate will script and convert the data and testimonies into interactive stories. A choral, human and pedagogical story created by all of us.
Would you like to tell us your or your family's story?
Individual stories are crucial to achieving a common history that remains perpetual in our collective imagination and where we all recognize and identify ourselves.
Send us an email if you want to share your story.
Would you like to be part of the chain of solidarity and commitment to the democratic memory of our country?
Leave your fingerprint and help us continue to piece together the historical narrative necessary to ensure our democratic future.